Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Utmost

My current devotional of choice is an Oswald Chambers classic - My Utmost for His Highest. First, the daily messages are condensed and succinct. For me, that's perfect for a quick read before work, or a more in depth investigation when time allows. Second, this book is deep! Every message is so full of meaning and truth that it challenges me beyond any study I've ever done before. In fact, though the messages are short, I often have to read them twice to make sure I took it all in. Today's conviction for me was in respect to obedience in Christ. Basically, if His nature is in me, He speaks to that nature and I should naturally, without hesitation, obey. I don't even know how to understand this concept. But I do know that I want it to be true in my life. So as I challenge myself to live with intention each day, I'm challenging myself to intentionally live to improve my understanding of and response to my relationship with Christ.

In other news, I've decided to make my latest goal to clean (thoroughly!) one room of our place each day that I'm off. Two problems to overcome in this task: clutter and soot. We live above a smoker and reap the joys of such as all of our walls/floors/surfaces become covered in sticky blackness if I don't remain vigilant in my scrubbing. Also, not having much space overall, and being blessed with an abundance of necessities and niceties, clutter quickly becomes a problem. It's nice to have "things" to do, but sometimes I wish the cleaning faeries would come and rid me of my chores. :-)

*~So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You~*

1 comment:

  1. I use My Utmost too! If I'm in a devotional slump, it helps me get back into the routine, and that's what it needs to be - a routine, like brushing your teeth, to the point that you just do it automatically. I heard that if we sit down and have that 10-15 mins with God every day at the same time, for 30-some days, it "sets" us. I'm presently reading one Bible chapter each morning, with prayer following. My Utmost got me going, and eventually I switched to just Bible. I even have a special cozy spot for devotions, and have my coffee at that time. And I notice my day doesn't go as well when I've stood the Lord up...
    Good for you, Adele!

    btw, I know what you mean about the smoke... I wonder how many ciggies you and Cameron are "smoking" a day...

    Jill :)
