He's a mut. We think maybe German shepherd and beagle. He's 3 years old. He's only about 30lbs. If you know either my husband or myself AT ALL you know our penchant for large dogs, and you can understand how this size dog is a big stretch for us as pet owners. Too bad he's too cute to resist. He's very very smart, and has already proven to be a good hunting dog for small game. (Don't worry, he hasn't actually killed anything. I don't think he has the heart to. ;-) ) He sleeps in a little ball because he gets cold. Observe:
But overall, he's a delicate little thing. All his actions are gentle and meek, it seems. We're constantly laughing at his mannerisms. Like, how he'll stare you down and quietly whimper until you let him hop into your lap while you watch TV. Or, how he'll sweetly paw at the bed covers letting us know he wants to be snuggled in under them. His little face and sad eyes are so very hard to resist. But don't let them fool you! He barks like a big dog, and plays rough and tough with the best of them. Now, if only I could convince him that he's not a cat...
He is so cute, Adele! I need to meet him and see your house.
ReplyDeleteThat's wild how he's perched on the chair. His balled-up pose is just like Cosmo's, as you well know. We can him a little black bean. Henry can be a black-eyed pea ;)